Therapy &

Registered Psychologist

25 years of experience

Vancouver, BC

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What I Do




Obsession and Compulsion


Communication Difficulties

Anger Management

ADHD or undiagnosed attentional difficulties



Symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorders


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Attachment theory

Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Therapy

Humanistic/Client-Centered Therapy

Developmental Psychopathology

Who I Am

I’ve worked in both the US and in Canada, and been a doctor since 2013. Before I was a therapist, I was involved in researching how children come to understand their own and others’ minds, and in historical research about psychologists' appropriation and misappropriation of ideas from computer science in the 1950s. I’ve also had a lot of regular jobs that don’t sound so fancy. I am grateful that my career path has led me to such a rewarding place.

I’ve spent a lot of time studying non-judgmental understanding. Not because judging is bad. On the contrary, judgements are essential in helping us make choices that fit our values. But judgments involve assumptions, some of which interfere with understanding and harmony.

The most familiar example of striving toward non-judgmental understanding is probably the scientific method. Scientists are supposed to try to minimize the effects of their hopes and expectations on their research conclusions. Even though it’s probably impossible to think in a perfectly non-judgmental way, it’s good to practice and try.

In everyday life, the ability to think non-judgmentally is a core component of psychological health and maturity. It helps us respond thoughtfully instead of react regretfully.

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How I Work

All persons and conversations are unique. So the way I work mostly depends on what individual clients ask for help with. However, there are certain values that guide my work with all clients.

First, I want treatment to be effective. I aim to integrate a variety of evidence-based techniques into a plan that is uniquely suited to each client, and routinely ask quality control questions to ensure that we don’t waste time.

Second, I see therapy as a mostly collaborative process. In order for that collaboration to be therapeutic, it has to be premised on truth and trust. There is no such thing as the best psychologist or therapist in general. But there is definitely better and worse fit between individual clients and practitioners. So I collect feedback from clients about our ongoing work together.

In general, I think of treatment as aimed toward empowerment and liberation. It is very rewarding to help clients free themselves from certain needless pains and gain more of the self-awareness required to make a life consistent with their deepest values.


I offer in-person and virtual appointments. My standard fee is $260/50 min and I use online booking and payment via Jane.

I sometime work for a reduced fee with certain clients.


If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you!


Hycroft Medical Building
117 - 3195 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM to 5PM